F 0:00 mission(F)ailed
G 0:48 hun(G)ry for knowledge
H 1:07 a mountain too (H)igh
I 1:30 no (I) in team
J 1:57 bad (J)udgment
K 2:17 aji wo (K)utta
L 3:07 (L)one wolf
M 3:40 break ti(M)e
N 3:57 (N)o man’s village
O 4:24 just y(o)u and me
P 4:49 corru(P)tion
Q 5:07 (Q)uestionable actions
R 5:30 mave(R)ick
S 5:44 city e(S)cape
T 6:04 fa(T)al error
U 6:24 deb(U)nked
V 6:52 reckless bra(V)ery
W 7:15 broken (W)ings
X 7:33 time to rela(X)
Y 8:02 head(Y) battle
Z 8:20 over(Z)ealous
再生リスト→ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhQ2_eSqr71z_F-Zrll7Zb1BquAoM05zZ